Thursday, August 16, 2007

"Study Time"

This was too funny! Bryson adores his Daddy, and when JD decided he would sit in the family room and study Bryson got his "NOTEBOOK" and sat right next to him and began to study just like his Dad! You can tell with his little grin he is loving every minute of "Study time"!


Nat said...

That is so cute. It's crazy how kids pick up on the smallest stuff and imitate it, kind a scary!! JD looks so skinny, is there no food in San Antonio? It looks beautiful, we should plan a "herd" reunion in TX!!

Jodi Davis said...

Love the pic! Your boys look so cute. I can't believe how big Bryson looks. All of sudden he looks like he has really grown up. I guess a birthday will do that to you :).