The boys opening up there Valentine's gift!
Bryson flying a kite in our never got up very high, but he had a good time running around the backyard trying to get it up in the air!
Coby and Bryson loved the Batman slippers they got for Valentine's Day...this is them showing off there new slippers. Some days I am the greatest Mom!
Bryson's face is healing so fast! He's looking more and more like his oldself. I still get that "ABUSIVE PARENT" look when were out in public. I really wish I could put a sign on him letting everyone know this was a self inflicted wound!
You might be wondering what those "things" are on the table with Bryson...well this little boys loves to make things. He has a ton of toys but the thing he loves to do the most is sit in his "OFFICE" AKA his closet and make things out of paper. So far he has made a toy sled, rings, bracelets, airplanes, kites, a house, and slippers....yes those are all slippers for each member of the family. JD's are the ones furthest to the left that are big enough to be skies! He is so cute! Who knew you could make so many things out of paper and tape!
Tanner woke up this morning with some major "BEAD HEAD" and I couldn't resist capturing it on camera!!