Wednesday, February 6, 2008


As most of you heard Bryson took a horrible fall off of our stairway banister. He had decided to slide down on his stomach and fell all the way over the railing and smacked right into the tile floor bellow.
He got his first and hopefully last ride in an ambulance and was in a neck brace for over 24hrs. They had him hooked up to an IV just in case he needed to have emergency surgery (I think for Bryson that was the most tramadic part). He had two CT scans to check for fractures, which he ended up having one small fracture on his scull, one on his sinus post wall, and another one on his left lateral orbital wall! Needless to say my little boy took the brunt of the fall in his face! Luckily the fractures are very small and DO NOT require surgery.
He gave us all quite a scare, but it could have been so much worse!!
After two days in the hospital he is now home and acting like his old self again, and its just a matter of time before he looks like himself again too...I think dad said it best,"he looks like he got in a fight with Mohamid Ali"!
He has learned his lesson the hard way, he keeps telling me "Mommy I won't do that again...and if I see anyone do it I will tell them that thats a big no no's!!"

Hopefully, that is our last visit to the Emergency room this year! I have boys and I know its just a matter of time before one tries another "DARE DEVIL" stunt....just let it be a few years from now...I need time to recover!


Jodi Davis said...

Oh, Bryson! We are so sad for you. We love you and hope that you feel better soon. Brooklyn says that she loves you too.

Laura Davis said...

Oh, my poor little Bryson. I feel so bad for him. I wish I were there to give him a big sqeeze so you will have to give him a couple for us.

Jade said...

Wow! that is one amazing black eye! quite impressive. Don't you hate that little boys usually have to learn the hard way??

Miss M said...

Cassie, I had no idea this even happened. Poor Bryson and poor mom. How are you doing?

Ras Family said...

Holy Cow!!!! That is the worst black eye I have ever seen. Oh, my goodness I would have freaked out!!! I am so glad that he is o.k.

Abby Runyan said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! Im freaking out. Poor guy and Poor mommy. That must have been awful, I'm so sorry. I'm so glad things are ok now. WOW, I'm not over his poor little face, and I'm not over your gorgeous house. I love it.

Nat said...

NO WAY? That is sooooo sad. Poor buddy. How traumatic, he'll love the pics though in a few years. That's gotta be one of the best black eyes I've ever seen. He's lucky to have such a great mom and giant whale to get him through this!

Anonymous said...

I am just now catching my breath after reading this!! How awful! I'm SOOOO glad he is ok. That is too scary. One more reason why I hate stairs! That's quite the shiner Bryson's got. Poor thing and poor momma. On a lighter note, your house is SO nice and looks so big! I love it. We moved last week into a house and I love having my own space. We have stairs, too, so I am always freaking about them because Griffin loves stair. Thank goodness for baby gates! Oh, thanks for calling on my bday. I will call ya back soon!!!!

Kristin said...

So glad Bryson is OK! Hope mom is recovering as well. Gotta love having boys, right!

Chelsea said...

We are so glad that he is recovering okay. He's a tough little guy and I am so glad that he doesn't need surgery!

Jerlyn said...

Bryson, we are so sorry that you got hurt. We love you and hope you feel better soon! Have fun being at home.

harmon family said...

ok so that made me feel better about olivia's black eye. i bet people are looking at you pretty wierd when you take him out. why is it that boys are so wild. olivia had the black eye but her brother inflicted it. boys!!!!

sara said...



*G*O*S*H* !!!!!!

Now THAT is a shiner! Poor kiddo- were you freaking out? How scary!
Blah! I don't even know what to say!