Wednesday, September 5, 2007


OK. We finally joined the "24" fan club! Several friends of ours have kept telling us how great this show is and that we just had to watch...but since we were so behind and had no idea what was going on we just put it off. Finally, one day while I was at Blockbuster hunting for a good flick and couldn't find anything good, that is until I stumbled into the Television Series section and picked up the first season of 24!! And let me tell you, it was one of the best things I have ever done! I don't know how these writer's do it, but we are on the edge of our seat every episode! We are totally hooked! We have already finished the first season and our moving on to the second. And I can't wait to see what happens next!! JD and I love to sit down with our "BLUE BELL" ice cream and snuggle up to watch Jack Bower "save the world"!!!! If you haven't ever watched 24 I recommend you do! You will not regret it!!


Nat said...

Welcome aboard!! We love it too. Travis is slightly obsessed, he wanted to name Shep either Jack or Bauer so bad. Have you ever had blue bell cookie dough? To Die for, it's my current fav. I like your guys' style!!

Becky said...

I am ready to jump aboard too! There are NO good shows out the last few seasons. Blue Bell...what is the obession all about? :)

Heath said...

It's nice to have another couple take the plunge! One bit of warning though, after you have started watching this phenomenal show, no other TV show compares. In fact, all others seem quite drab and you will have no desire to watch any other program.
In response to the post by becky, BlueBell is just like 24; you just have to partake in order to understand the obsession. But once you do, you too will be obsessed!

Nancy said...

cass i haven't ump abourd yet, but i am now totally curious of this blue bell stuff. where do you get it. one of my favorite shows now is LOST. scary,but not to scary.

Iliana said...

Hi Cassie!
I found your blog from Marn's and it is so cute! Your boys are darling too. I LOVE 24. My husband and I spent a whole month watching all 5 seasons in a row. Kinda sad! We intended to watch a few a week, but once we got started we couldn't stop! Good to see your blog!